# Web Query Form

The web query form is available at: https://apps.db.ripe.net/ (opens new window).

This is part of the RIPE Database web interface that also includes Webupdates.

The query argument is entered into the form. Many of the query flags can be selected with check boxes. The database source can also be selected this way. If you know the query flags you want, you can also type them into the form with the query argument.

If you are looking for a specific piece of information and you don't know one of the values required to find what you are looking for, you may consider using the Full Text Search (opens new window) instead of doing a standard query. Full Text Search (opens new window) treats the entire database as a flat text file and allows you to search for anything. The search is done on object text without regard for any relationships. As such, results may be very unstructured, but it can provide a good starting point for more specific standard queries later on. Keep in mind that Full Text Search (opens new window) is only available on the RIPE NCC website and not in other methods to query the RIPE Database.

Personal data may be returned by the Full Text search API. You may be blocked if excessive amounts of personal data is returned. For more information refer to blocking access section

# URI Format: /fulltextsearch/select?...

# Query Parameters

name Default description
q This parameter is used to specify the query for requesting documents. This query allows to filter by the attribute type and/or the object type. This parameter is required.
  • Query for "RIPE": q=(RIPE)
  • Query for "RIPE", filtering by attribute type: q=(org:(RIPE))
  • Query for "RIPE", filtering by object type: q=(RIPE)%20AND%20(object-type:mntner)
  • Query for "RIPE", filtering by attribute and object type: q=(org:(RIPE))%20AND%20(object-type:mntner)
  • Logic expressions are allowed to concatenate more than one term:
    • Querying by "RIPE" and "NCC": q=(RIPE%20AND%20NCC)
    • Querying by "RIPE" or "NCC": q=(RIPE%20OR%20NCC)
    • Querying by "RIPE NCC": q=(%22RIPE%20NCC%22)
    • Querying by "RIPE", filtering by multiple attributes and object types: q=(e-mail:(RIPE)%20OR%20org:(RIPE))%20AND%20(object-type:organisation%20OR%20object-type:person)
    • Keywords: Using "AND," "OR," or "NOT" as a query term is not permitted.
rows 10 The amount of documents to return. The maximum value is 10,000
start 0 The starting row. The maximum value is 100,000
hl false Highlight the matching values from the fetching documents.
hl.simple.pre <b> The highlight PRE value.
ht.simple.post </b> The highlight POST value.
wt xml The format of the highlights. If the format is not xml "hl.simple.pre" and "hl.simple.post" will be discarded.
facet true Count the object types.

There a some limitations to take care on:

  • Not allowed to fetch more than 10,000 documents per request.
  • There is a maximum of 100,000 results per query (with paging).
  • The maximum highlight characters is trim to 100,000 characters.

The possible values that you can specify for the Accept/Content-Type header are:

  • application/xml for XML
  • application/json for JSON

Clients can also append an extension of .xml or .json to the request URL instead of setting an Accept: header. The server will return a response in the appropriate format for that given extension. XML format is the default one.